On Tuesday, April 23rd, the City of Vernon in Wilbarger County held their city commission meeting where community leaders, practitioners, and advocates signed and approved the WOW-E proclamation. Signees included members of Vernon College, Wilbarger County AgriLife, Wilbarger General Hospital, Vernon Farmer’s Market Association, Vernon Boys and Girls Club, Wichita Falls Area Food Bank, Wilbarger County Campfire, Vernon Chamber of Commerce, and Carnegie City/County Library. WOW-E participants in Vernon were excited about the proclamation and are wanting to build public awareness about the program. The WOW-E proclamation is a commitment to the WOW-E program, can be used to garner additional community support and attention for the initiative and future efforts, can publicly recognize the community as a WOW-E community, and can be featured as a WOW-E community on the WOW-E website and in social media call outs.

The signing of the proclamation comes after Vernon residents attended WOW-E’s January kickoff event in Dallas and hosted a local kickoff event in Vernon. The community plans to participate in WOW-E’s Community Challenge which provides technical assistance to improve local physical activity amenities and increase access to healthy foods.

Way to go, Vernon! The WOW-E team is excited to continue working with you. Wilbarger county is now set to host their community challenge on April, 30th, 2024.