Every Wednesday in June, the Working on Wellness Environments team hosted a virtual youth planning workshop. The workshop included 9 youth from Webb and Zapata county. The workshop sought to ignite youth-led projects in both counties that increased physical activity levels, healthy environments, and connectivity to everyday places. Each webinar provided the opportunity for youth to identify ways to make healthy changes in their community.

Throughout the webinars, participants defined PSE and its role in transforming communities and learned about creating walkable communities and healthy environments. Participants also completed a brief ease-impact where they identified meaningful ways to complete their assessments. The youth involved were able to meet with experts in the field who showcased their work in creating healthy environments. These instructors’ presentations included using secondary data, intercept surveys, site inventory importance, CPTED, and counting when making community changes. Participants also had a chance to listen to another successful youth group that had reclaimed their park. At the final workshop, participants were able to discuss potential projects they could do in their local communities moving forward.