The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Working on Wellness Environments program is kicking off the 2022 WOW-E Community Challenge, an initiative for local leaders to pilot test community efforts utilizing policy, system, and environmental changes. We encourage you to attend an CC22 Action Institute and to submit an application for demonstrations to pilot test projects to assist your community in promoting increased physical activity levels and improved access to healthy foods. These projects must be steps toward building and/or strengthening larger system, environmental plans, policy changes, etc. Technical assistance and support will be awarded to up to 15 applicants from Hudspeth, Maverick, Starr, Webb, and Zapata to implement their demonstration projects.
Todos los materiales del programa están disponibles en español! Comuníquese con Valeria.jauregui@ag.tamu.edu o vic.cantu@ag.tamu.edu para obtener mas información.

Getting Started
Would you like an opportunity to start taking steps to make your community healthier? Texas A&M AgriLife’s Working on Wellness Environments (WOW-E) program is kicking off the WOW-E 2022 Community Challenge. This effort provides training and support to help communities jump start activities to improve local health environments. The initiative helps local leaders pilot test environmental and policy changes and build competencies, leadership, and capacity.
Who should attend? Leaders, professionals, and advocates in areas and organizations such as planners, hospitals and clinics, park departments, Faith based, libraries, schools, civic organizations, law enforcement, public works, government, EDCs, Main Street, Chamber of Commerce, food banks and food assistance programs, sport associates, colleges, etc.
The CC22 program supports local organizations and advocates wanting to pilot test tools for improving connectivity including: walkability demonstrations, wayfinding, and activating spaces. And, improving access to healthy foods by pilot testing healthy vending machines, healthy concessions, and healthy end caps.
Individuals who attended one of the Community Challenge Action Institutes will be receiving an email with resources and the next steps for participating in the WOW-E Community Challenge.
April 9 – May 16, 2022
After attending an Action Institute and acquiring technical assistance as needed, use the link below when you are ready to complete the Community Challenge application. Due May 16, 2022.
Plans will highlight the need addressed or opportunity embarked upon for the community, why PSE is the right approach for this project, key partners, local assets, local readiness, technical assistance and support needed, communication and engagement planning, intended goals, and feasibility for moving the pilot tests forward.
Up to 15 pilot test projects designed through the 2022 Community Challenge workshops will be eligible for a competitive review for technical assistance and implementation support.
Applications will open on April 9, 2022.
June 1, 2022
June 1, 2022 Award announcements will be made via email. This phase will also require Awardees to work with the WOW-E team to finalize their project schedule and execute any necessary MOU agreements.
June 1 – September 5, 2022
Now it is GO TIME! All WOW-E Community Challenge Awardees will complete their pilot test projects between June 1, 2022 and September 5th. This is the time to turn your ideas into actions and pilot test them in your community with support from your WOW-E team.
Finish Line
September 5 – 9, 2022
Projects will conclude September 5th and awardees are required to submit the final reports by September 9th. The final reports consist of the Final Financial Report, After-Action Report and digital submissions (photos, videos, social media posts, etc.). A WOW-E team member will be available to answer questions as you complete your final reports. Each organization and partnership, if applicable, will be required to complete a listening session at the conclusion of the project. This will be scheduled by a WOW-E team member.
The WOW-E team would love to celebrate with you by sharing your success! Show off your project’s successes by posting on social media, publishing in the newspaper, or sending out a newsletter. We would also like to hear from your team via a virtual listening session. All listening sessions should occur by December 9, 2022. Each organization and partnership, if applicable, will be required to complete a listening session at the conclusion of the project. This will be scheduled by a WOW-E team member.
We will share your success through our engagement channels, social media, and reports and publications.